Synopsis :
The undying baby from the grave sucks the boobs of the creature.
Screenings :
- Antimatter Underground Art Festival,Vicotria,Canada,2007
- Presaro Film Festival,San Antonio,Italy,2007
- San Antonio Underground Film Festival,Texas,USA,2007
- Sansevieria Film Festival,Toledo,USA,2007
- Dallas Video Festival,Dallas,USA,2007
- Loscon SF Convention,Los Angeles,USA,2007
- Santa Monica Public Library, California,USA,2007
- International Conference for the Fantastic in the Arts,Florida,USA,2007
- World Horror Convention,Toronto, Canada,2007
- Context SF Convention,Columbus,USA,2007
- Confluence Science Fiction Convention,Pennsylvania,USA,2007
- Seton Hill University,Pennsylvania,USA,2007
- DV8 Gallery,Pennsylvania,USA,2007
- Manatee Community College,Sarasota,USA,2007
- Tabloid Witch Awards,Santa Monica,USA,2007
- The 2007 Spooky Movie Film Festival,Washington,USA,2008
- World Horror Convention,Salt Lake City,USA,2008
- HorrorFind Weekend,Baltimore,USA,2007
The Suckling
2006 | 03:23 | MiniDV | 4:3 | Adaptation
Crew :
World Sales Rights
: Jim Minton
: Micheal Arnzen