Synopsis :

It is about the struggle of taking the Turkish flag received from the Mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk to the main camp of Everest - the highest mountain in the world- after almost two years of preparation by a group of veterans who were wounded or became disabled in close combat points in the southeastern part of Turkey in nineties.

Click here for watch film online on YouTube.


Code Name: Everest

2018 | 95:27 | 4K | 16:9 | Documentary

Crew :

: Erinc Ulusoy
Executive Producer
: Koray Gürbüz
: Gazi Ömer Duran, Gazi Koray Gürbüz, Gazi Önder Gültekin, Gazi Koray Gürbüz
Also Starring
: Gazi Ertan Acır, Gazi İzzet Ertunç, Gazi Serdar Çelensu, Celal Biber, Pasang Dorjee Sherpa, Jean Theron
: Erinc Ulusoy
1st AD & Photography
: İnci Naz Aksu
: Erinc Ulusoy
: Gazi Şafak Mert
: Murat Erdoğan
Nepal Crew
: Lhakpa Tenzing Sherpa, Pasang Dorjee Sherpa, Dawa Tshering Sherpa, Bim Rai, Raj Kumar Rai, Nima Sherpa
Teaser Editor
: A. Burak Koç

© 2025 KelleKoltukta Independent Pictures.
Kelle Koltukta Kreatif